“I am proud to be your daughter.”
From an old diary: Monday, 03/13/2023
What should I start writing about?
몇일전 하이디가 일 하는 곳에 들어가서 이것 저것 구경을 했다. 여기에서 이사가기 전에 뭔가 특이 하면서도 기념으로 남을 것을 사고 싶어서…. 특별히 마음에 드는 것은 없었지만, 이 일기장이 눈에 들어와서 내가 살수도 있었지만, 왠지 하이디에게 부탁을 하고 싶었다. 사진을 찍어서 문자로 보냈다. 그리고 몇일 후에 이 일기장을 사가지고 왔다.
A few days ago, I went into the place where Heidi works and looked around. Before moving from here, I wanted to buy something unique and memorable. Although there wasn’t anything particularly appealing, I noticed this journal. I could have bought it for myself, but for some reason, I wanted to ask Heidi for a favor. I took a picture and sent it to her. And a few days later, she brought this journal for me.
난 곰곰히 생각했다. 과연 어떤 것들을 이 책속에 담을까하고. 내가 일기를 쓰기 보다는 다른 사람들이 나에게 남겨주는 뭔가를 담으면 좋을 것이라는 생각에 아무 것도 쓰지 못하고 있었다. 그러던중 오늘은 오랫동안 꽃병 속에 있는 것을 보고도 못 본척 해 왔었던, 종이 하나가 눈에 띄게 되었다. 난 하이디가 귀찮아서 쓰레기를 버리지 않고, 그 꽃병 속에 넣어 놓았다라고 생각해 왔었다.
I pondered deeply about what to fill this book with. Instead of writing a diary, I was contemplating on filling it with things left by other people for me, thinking it would be nice. However, amid such thoughts, a piece of paper that had long been in a vase caught my attention again. I had assumed Heidi was being lazy to throw it away, had put it in the vase instead of the trash.
벌써 몇개월 동안 그렇게 있었던 것이라, 오늘은 꽃병을 청소 해야지 하고 종이를 꺼내 보았다. 그런데 왠일, 그 종이에 적힌 글은 하이디가 나에게 보내는 쪽지였다.
For several months, the paper had been there like that, so today, I decided to clean the vase and took out the paper. However, to my surprise, the writing on the paper was a note from Heidi to me.
그 글을 읽어 내리면서 난 쏟아지는 눈물을 참을 수 없게 되었고, 바로 이것은 내가 원하는 이 책 속에 새겨질 뭔가의 시작이 되었다. 종이 쪽지와 그림, 그리고 꽃병 속의 마른 꽃들을 시작으로 계속해서 소중한 것들을 담을 수 있기를 바라면서….
As I read the message, I couldn’t hold back the tears pouring down. Right then, this became the start of something to be engraved in the book I desired. Hoping to continue filling it with precious things, starting from the paper note, drawings, and the dried flowers in the vase…
“Mom, no matter what, I always Love you. I’m proud to be your daughter and I hope to make you proud. you are so amazing and I couldn’t wish for a better mom. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me. You are an angel. If you are ever feeling down or stressed just know that I love you so much and I want you to know that just as you have looked after me, I will look after you.
No matter how far I am or how long I’m gone I want you to know that I love you and that I’m a better person because of you. I’m blessed to have a mom like you. Stay strong, just as I hold you in my heart I know I’m in yours. Thank you for never giving up on me.”
I love you!