By 은하

우동 먹으러 가자~

Convenience store

일본 편의점은 잘 되어있고, 품목이 다양해. 닭똥집도 살 수 있지.

The convenience stores in Japan are well-organized, and they offer a variety of products. You can also buy chicken gizzards.

Meal time with 승태

하루 먼저간 아들 승태와 만나서 식사. 물가는 한국 보다 싼듯.

Met with my son Seungtae, who arrived a day earlier, and had a meal together. It seems that the cost of living is cheaper than in Korea.

The best catnap, 꿀잠

도쿄 여행, 천황 머시기 관람하면 부부 2만원. 지하철, 고기, 우동, 소바, 맥주, 스타벅스 다 필요 없음. 꿀잠이 최고! ㅋㅋㅋ

Tokyo trip: If you visit the Imperial Palace, it costs 20,000 won for a couple. Should I say, “No need for a subway ride with a lady in a Kimono, nor eating meat, udon, soba, or drinking beer or coffee. The best is a good catnap?!”